This week was a (blank) kind of week.
A. Obsess-about-my-body
B. Not-get-a-lot-of-sleep
C. Stress-over-my-future
D. Eat-a-lot-of-chocolate
E. All of the Above (my choice)
What kind of week did you have?
A. Obsess-about-my-body
Work on the article is progressing very very slowly. I hope to get the entire thing finalized tomorrow and just send the bastard off in whatever shape. I promised something by the very ambiguous "end of April" and dont' want to seem like a flake. Fortunately, there is time for revisions--I think.
About two weeks ago, I received an email from professor D. at UNM. I was D.'s TA one semester for the History of New Mexico course (oddly enough, I TA'd for this specific class almost the entire time I was in the graduate program. I know more about New Mexico than I do about El Paso or Texas even. Go ahead, ask me anything.) D. is also the editor of a history journal and his email requested that I rework my master's thesis for an article in an upcoming issue. Great opportunity, right?! OF COURSE, I responded. Publishing would be a nice bonus to my cv. And it would be really cool to see my work in a journal for the first time ever. Wow. That's the good part.
I've worked out all of these fears in my head, but, again, there's a difference between knowing self-defeating behavior and knowing I need to change that behavior right away. I'm frozen in inactivity--seeking comfort in AMC's weekend marathon of Godfather movies and frozen Snickers. Those two methods of legal self-medicating have not worked (no big suprise).
It doesn't help that the apartment is hot and stuff and the AC isn't cooling properly.
Writing about my fears has helped. Talking with G. helps, too. Unfortunately, the uneasiness is still here.
G. and I have a lot of work to do this weekend. He's working on a research paper and I'm trying to get my lectures organized for the last two weeks of class. It's getting close to "crunch time" (I really don't like that phrase). I'm trying to "pick up the slack" (another dumb phrase) by going grocery shopping without him and cooking dinner every night. It's only a temporary arrangement--our usual arrangement is that we alternate the cooking and washing dishes every other night. It's horrible to admit that I have this little gnawing feeling of resentment for doing so much extra stuff. I know this is not a permanent arrangement. I know that feeling this way is silly. I know I'm just overreacting.
Anybody who is even slightly familiar with the Mexican soccer player Cuauhtemoc Blanco will really enjoy this video.
(I wrote this entry Thursday night and now I'm not sure how to change the date...)
G., Filomena, and I spent the afternoon at my parent's house. My sister and her husband were there, too. For some reason, we don't often get together the bunch of us, so today was special. We ate steak, baked potato, pasta salad, and (yum) sausage.
I'm feeling blah today. Part of my sandal broke. I'm a little bloat-y. I had to stay an extra hour on campus (I don't have an office, either) to meet a student and then he didn't show up. I should be on the sofa, napping and moping. Instead, I'm defending undocumented workers and immigration reform on Asi Es. Jesus, that discussion reminded me why I don't write posts about politics or read political blogs. I can't handle it, man, from living in a Jon Stewart/Daily Show-All Things Considered/NPR haze to reading something I disagree with so much I can't stop thinking about it.
One thing I most value is sleep. I'm a gal who likes eight hours a night, plus naps (at least 30 minutes) sometime during the day. Without adequete sleep, my mind is muddled and headachy, my eyes are bleary and sting. I'm cranky and sluggish. It's not pretty.