All Quiet on the Blogging Front
Yikes, it's been a week since I posted anything. I was busy closing out my 8-week course, which involves a lot of grading and reviewing and averaging. Overall, the class came out average. I didn't have to make any difficult decisions about students who failed--well, there is one case where a student did not attend the last week of class and did not take the final last Thursday. He emailed me on Sunday to ask when he could make up the final. Uh, never 'cause I already turned in the final grades (they were due almost immediately). I asked him if he had a legitimate reason for missing the final, which admittedly was a way out for him to jump on the chance of doing something to rectify his grade. One word response email: "I got sick." So, that's it? Can I justify to my dean, faculty coordinator, registrar's office my decision to give this guy one more chance based on "I got sick"??? Yesh, give me something I can work with! I'm leaning towards a response along the lines of "Sucks for you," but...
Halloween is coming up. I decorated the front door area with lights and a ---oooo, scary----skeleton. I want to give candy out; the problem is Filomena doesn't like people knocking on the door. Gets her all 'riled up. And she might already be hyper if I dress her in costume. Oh, yeah, I'm going there. Is it any kookier to dress up a cat as opposed to a dog? I'm picturing Crazy Cat Lady from the Simpson's and...well, me.
Time for a Filo walk and then work, work, work.
I think you should definatley go with the "sucks to be you" response.
No way my cat Rosie would let me dress her up.
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