Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Does she look dazed to you?

Filo hasn't had the best week. She gets quite aggressive whenever she sees other dogs on our walks. Aggressive and totally distraught at the same time. I blame Splenda. It's obvious that Splenda has been talking shit about Filomena to the other dogs around our complex and that dog mom of hers, too. The stakes are getting higher between those two, now Splenda is barking like crazy whenever she sees Filo. Bitch (literally! ha, ha!...bad joke?) Filo just turned 3, which on the dog-human age equivalency chart, means she is about 29. Hmm, about my age--is that significant? Somebody else with a Bichon-type pooch informed me that Bichon behavior relaxes a bit by 3. So far, not true for the Filomena. She is taking Benadryl for her allergies. I know Benadryl makes me loopy, could it have the same effects on a dog?


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