Saturday, December 03, 2005

NaNoWriMo Flunk-o

December snuck up on me. I feel like I left some loose ends in November--one big loose end was my failed NaNoWriMo project. It wasn't a total failure. The final word count was in the low thousands, nowhere near my personal goal of 25,000 however. From what I've gathered on the website, most first-timers don't do well, so I guess I'm not alone in my disappointing preformance. I'm trying to be positive rather than disheartened (my usual reaction is "It's all my fault, I suck and will never amount to anything", which really isn't constructive). G. bought me two books to help work out the kinks of writing and I'm determined to keep up the effort through the winter break.

Another loose end: I haven't updated my I Heart El Chuco list since, well, I never added anything to the original valentine to El Paso. Here's something new: I love this year's version of winter weather--60's and low 70's, clear skies, bright sun, and wind gusts that make your hair frizz and your cheeks pink. I love how you can be cold in one spot and then feel very warm just five steps away. I love how I can be dressed in a sweater and the guy next to me is decked out in shorts. Actually, there are El Pasoans who wear shorts year round, even when temperatures really drop. Nippy, snowy weather is romantic and appropriate for the holidays and maybe G. and I will eventually settle somewhere that delivers that kind of winter. But for now, we're definitely not complaining.

Last night G and I saw the (International) Noise Conspiracy at this really tiny bar. It was an amazing show, the kind of music experience that makes you want to quit your job and become a musician; or in the case of the INC, quit your job and start the REVOLUTION!! The Revolution must start early in the morning because it was a short set. We headed to an Eastside bar that turned out to be a total disappointment--more proof that the Eastside is not cool. Our company salvaged the outing. It was really fun and exhausting and I've been working on my mom's party decorations all day. And I think I have acid reflux or maybe just old fashion heartburn. Regardless, I'm too pooped to keep blogging, so "goodnight and good luck" (by the way, watch that movie-- it is so unbelievably well acted and such an excellent message, too, and it makes smoking look cool, which as an ex-smoker is like watching cigarrette porn).


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