Thursday, December 15, 2005

Just in time for winter break...

On Monday, G. and I were enjoying a rare bagel and reading the newspaper at the Bagel Shop ("rare" because this place is on the Westside, and as you (should) know, we are exiled on the Eastside where the best bagel I can find is at Dunkin' Doughnuts). I'm skimming the obits (just in case) when G. begins to laugh (it was really more of a girlish giggle). I looked over and he passed his paper. Near the TV listings was the most exciting TV related announcement EVER (besides the return of Project Runway): The Rockford Files, released on DVD!!!

G. and I started watching The Rockford Files in Albuquerque a couple of years ago and would even stay up late to catch the episodes (sometimes I was so tired, I would close my eyes, but couldn't bring myself to turn the TV off). James Garner is perfectly cast as Rockford, private investigator with an itsy-bitsy little prison record, no big whoop. He had an awesome wardrobe, great hair, clever sense of humor, steady ladyfriend, troublesome buddy, and pesky--yet sweet- father (that's him the background). Rockford wasn't the best private investigator, hell, he lived in a mobile home on the beach, but the show is captivating. I'm so excited, it's almost embarrassing.

If you don't believe me, here's a review from the Dallas Morning News. If you don't believe that, read the Amazon reviews.

Also, YOU MUST listen to the theme song (scroll down for Rockford Files).


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