The Misery Continues
My sinuses are still the source of much discomfort. My eyes have decided to join in the torture by alternating between burning whenever I blink and tearing up. Sometimes they do both. I took a Claritin D 24 hour pill, which means I'm not up for another dosage for two more hours. Seems like forever.
I've tried concentrating on this evening's lecture--without much luck. Boy, I hate how allergies can knock you on your ass. I was so productive and focused until Monday afternoon when the sneezing et al set in. Now I can barely gather myself up for half hearted attempts at blowing my nose.
One of the worst aspects about feeling sick is that you get so bored just sitting there--nothing interests me, not TV (and I'm never one to turn down TV), books, magazines, embroidery, internet, not even sleeping after a certain point. The novelty of the sick day wears thin very quickly.
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