To Bang or Not to Bang?
G. and I are closing out our third week of vacation, which translates into staying up very late, sleeping in, irregular meals, and lots of movies and tv. Somewhere in this disorderly schedule, I found time to obsess about my bangs. Started out with a little trim to last me until my next haircut in January. Then I trimmed a little more after perusing a magazine. Then I convinced myself that I NEEDED bangs immediately--I was so beguiled by the thought of heavy fringe and straight, straight hair. So I took the plunge and now...not sure I like the look. What a way to kill a hair obsession. Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure I've experienced this bang-thing before. That time, my sister held the sissors. I guess I never give up the hope that it might work out--same situation with turtleneck sweaters...
Oh, well, it doesn't look that bad (does it?!). Can't think about it now; G. and I are off to meet friends. Ah, so nice to have friends in town!
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