Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cranky, Crampy, but not Crunky

I never intended to take a break from blogging--it just happened. Hmm, what's been going on: I've been cranky at the weather (windy, sandy-gritty, dull). Wind plus spring keeps the pollen count super high, which antagonizes my allergies.

G. and I are on Spring Break. Very low-key break so far. We're alternating work and fun days so we can rest up, yet still be productive. Filomena is also suffering from allergies and she is very stinky. Time for a groomin', poor pup.

This morning I took a nap that was long enough for a pretty intense dream. G. and I were driving on a highway in rainy, icy weather. I remember feeling really scared because cars were driving too fast all around us. A semi-truck that was in front of us started skidding, so we were trying to slow down to avoid hitting it. Then an oncoming minivan also started skidding and we had to avoid hitting it, too. Finally, we all came to a stop. The End. Total weirdness because we've never been in this type of situation. So, was I just dreaming or did I witness something from the future (dramatic music, clash of cymbols)????

My mom says that when you dream about somebody, you are supposed to call that person. I'll have to ask her what the proper response is to a near-death dream experience. Any suggestions?


At 7:40 AM , Blogger Joel said...

When I was 10 my mom had a very realistic dream that I would get a brain tumor in High School... She never told me about it until after High School but it freaked me out a little. I would have rather not known.

At 1:00 PM , Blogger Vanessa said...

Weirdness...but the dream didn't come true. Hopefully, mine doesn't either...


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